On the road after the event
My best friend and I went to Freedym Fest this weekend… a 2- Day Event For Heart-Centered Lifestyle Entrepreneurs hosted by my mentor Ryan Lee.
I am sure you have been to events before… and know what happens after… you are ON FIRE!
So here we are beginning a three hour drive back from Stamford CT with a raw and real statement about what business is REALLY about!
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REAL LIFE WITH JEFF is so that you can get to know Jeff in real life…
In our business… especially as coaches… YOU are the brand.
We are selling your energy, passion, message and personality. You are a character and your people must get to know YOU not only as a business person but as a REAL person as well.
I talk about how important videos are in sharing who we are with our message… and this same format is great for people getting to know you as a character!
The best part is the videos can be quick, casual and simply showcase YOU in a real live environment.