Points Covered: 1) “I wanna quit”… why that’s a good thing! 2) Understanding how WE operate within Entrepreneurship 3) “Write the F***ing Book!”- the story of how to move forward 4) The Perfectionist Cure...
Points Covered: 1) FB page and group, what's the difference? 2) The role your FB group plays with lead capture 3) Once we attract we need a place to interact. 4) Expectations from your group...
Points Covered: 1) What being in the zone does for speaking 2) Better understanding our self 3) ADD and speaking 4) Creating contingency plans 5) Two most effective ways to practice...
Points Covered: 1) Being real as a coach 2) Situations set to break you as an entrepreneur 3) No one shows up... to the call, the session 4) They don’t subscribe... they unsubscribe...
Points Covered: 1) What does getting this objection REALLY mean? 2) Three Critical items to qualify which prevent ever getting this objection 3) All about value 4) How to build value before you even speak to a potential client...
Points Covered: 1) The Field Trip to the Junk Yard 2) We get paid for results not time 3) The Law of Compensation 4) Financial realities 5) Emotional realities 6) A real email from a client you deserve to...
Points Covered: 1) Turning our passion of coaching into an income source 2) The natural evolution of getting clients 3) Understanding we are a full-time sales person 4) Breaking down selling to...