When we began working together five years ago, Dana was a therapist who had therapy clients and only a few coaching clients.
Now, five years later, she has published her second book and...
I was talking about the Speed of Money with my students today in my 5 Month Group Mentor Coaching Program.
They found it intriguing so I wanted to elaborate in this quick video as it is a HUGE PART of creating monetary results in your coaching business.
You want to get paid more consistently and become a full-time coach for the next 20 years... Get Networked!
Please watch this quick video to better understand what I am talking about and hear a story about how this works!
When was the last time you asked in your business?
If you are not asking you are not achieving results.
In our coaching business, we must master the art of asking to become a master asker!
If you want to create success by getting paid in your coaching business you must be ACTIVE!
Active doing what?
Watch this quick 2.5 minute video to learn what I mean!
Want to create a thriving coaching business that pays you more than you could imagine and is so fulfilling that the income doesn't even matter!?
Watch this quick video outlining the process!
Don't know what to say or write about?
Having blocks and either not doing anything as a result or creating stuff that you are just not happy with?
Watch this quick video to learn some guidelines...
It is TOO EASY to be in our head, surrounded by FEAR based thoughts.
They STOP you in your tracks.
Mess with your confidence
Crush your belief Slow you down Keep you from taking action.
Just got off a call with a client and was excited to hear how much they got paid per session... hence this topic.
Want to tap into this flow of abundance?
Have a listen to this quick video...
We are NOT selling COACHING.
No one cares about coaching and that you are a coach with all these awesome certifications.
So what do they care about?
Watch this quick video to learn what it is and how to more effectively get clients!