Points Covered: 1) Why use Facebook Live 2) Where do we go live... on our profile, business page or group? 3) Announcing it before we go live and how 4) All about the delivery to make it effective 5) Tips on duration and best practices to improve...
Topics Covered: 1) Should you write a book or not? 2) Viewing your book as a marketing tool 3) Where do you begin? 4) The importance of your business marketing model and a book 5) Dos and Don'ts...
Points Covered: 1) A story to highlight the work 2) What NOT to expect 3) Digging for business 4) Listen for the clues 5) Reality of what you must do to market yourself 6) Trust yourself enough to let your information out...
Points Covered: 1) Understanding Email and how it can be used to nurture and grow a community 2) Why our email list is our most valuable asset 3) Two types of emails 4) How often do we email and why 5) How email helps sell our coaching 6) The power of the live...
Points Covered: 1) The psychology behind why people hire us 2) How live events speed that cycle up 3) Two types of events and which is recommended 4) Details on optimal promotion time to set up event... then duration and location...
Points Covered: 1) The main philosophy to understand 2) The three key elements we are seeking to understand 3) Why this selling process cannot be "scripted" or planned out 4) The three key elements broken down 5) Listening for the clues...
Points Covered: 1) What is a Profitable LinkedIn profile and how to create one 2) Strategies to create more connections even while you are not doing it yourself 3) Specific software recommendations...
Points Covered: 1) The main objective of your email list 2) Where to begin building your list 3) Why email is more valuable than social media 4) Who to initially include on your list...
Points Covered: Marketing- 1) Free/Paid and how it begins the process 2) How we engage the leads/reactions we get from our marketing 3) Understanding how to best qualify if they are a potential client or not...
Points Covered: 1) Strategies to keep your focus on your value once you understand it 2) A few things to stay away from 3) Creating evidence of your value even when you are brand new...