Points Covered: 1) What's important to know about pricing structure 2) The optimal ways of getting paid 3) Paid in full- How we do it and why it's so important 4) Recurring Payments: How we do it and why it's so important...
Points Covered: 1) Selling broken down 2) The two fundamental elements of selling 3) Element 1: Need... broken down 4) Element 2: Timing...broken down 5) The transition to asking...
Points Covered: 1) How to know if you are doing the right work 2) How qualifying a lead helps with their decision 3) The three elements we MUST qualify 4) Understanding their thought process...
Points Covered: 1) Two foundational elements you MUST have in place BEFORE you generate leads (market) 2) Why specifically each are so important 3) Paid marketing: Things to consider 4) Free marketing: Things to consider...
Points Covered: 1) A fundamental on determining price per session 2) Specific recommendations on pricing and why 3) Specific recommendations on packages and why 4) Putting our prices online- dos and don’ts...
Points Covered: 1) The essential elements of "IT" 2) Why "IT" trumps any niche or marketing info you could come up with 3) "IT" can be learned and developed 4) How to identify your "IT" factor...
Points Covered: 1) Start the client with the long term in mind 2) Setting expectations through the language we use 3) Finding where their value is in every session 4) How to project future value...
Points Covered: 1) Understanding why/how people buy 2) It's NEVER about the money 3) Finding where the value is for people 4) Specific language you can use to better qualify people's needs...
Do The Call
There I was on my Live Tuesday Call and something happened that every coach dreads...
But I pushed through it and something amazing was created... If you invest a moment to listen you will not only find out what happened, but will learn a valuable lesson to...
So you have a nice new shiny website... great... if you don't have this one element on every page then I hate to say it, but your website is absolutely useless.
This quick video highlights what...