Points Covered: 1) Defining Full-Time 2) Determining your minimum numbers 3) Who can help 4) How we determine our pricing structure from our financials 5) The statistics to understand...
Points Covered: 1) What is YOUR solution to the fear 2) The work involved to get to the level you desire 3) Distinguish between the real and false fear 4) Strategies for creating deadlines when...
Points Covered: 1) The statistics and the "barrier" we are working against 2) The Pearl Jam song and how it relates to beating the odds 3) The specific skill sets we must work on 4) How to beat...
Points Covered: 1) What you should consider before you launch a group program 2) Waiting versus starting a group now 3) The biggest challenge of a group program 4) Strategies to fill the seats 5) Details like pricing, duration, number of participants...
Points Covered: 1) Defining "pace" 2) How to authentically assess what we are capable of in a given timeframe 3) Rational "lies" we tell ourselves 4) How to maintain consistency through the most...
I have made many mistakes over the years when it comes to websites. Things like spending way to much money, doing them too early and having to redo them again, hiring the wrong...
I am thrilled to be interviewing one of my long term mentor coaching clients, AliceAnne Loftus. I have been working with her for well over a year. Her journey to get her coaching business off...
Points Covered: 1) The one thing you need to do no matter how good you think a referral is 2) The two types of referrals we need to be aware of 3) The "great" referral broken down 4) The "poor"...
Topics Covered: 1) Should you write a book or not? 2) Viewing your book as a marketing tool 3) Where do you begin? 4) The importance of your business marketing model and a book 5) Dos and Don'ts...
Points Covered: 1) Defining exactly what following up is 2) Understanding the mindset behind following up so we are more effective 3) The two types of leads we follow up on 4) How specifically to handle each type of lead...