
Show 314- Inner work creates outer results: Success Story w/Tom Lipinski

with Jeffrey St Laurent

Topic: Inner work creates outer results- Success Story w/Tom Lipinski
Tom came to me late last year as he was not building his coaching and training business in the manner he envisioned.
He did not know where to spend his time, how to spend it or what works best. He was a real estate broker with a team which has been his bread and butter for 30+ years!
While we worked quite a bit on the day to day of the business… with the how and where he used his time, it was the inner work that became the most powerful.
In fact, it was this inner work and the breakthroughs associated with it that ended up creating the external results! Come join us for a relaxed conversation where we share his remarkable journey along the way!
CHECK OUT TOM’S WEBSITE: EverestPerformanceCoaching.com

BEFORE YOU GO… I have a great 5 Month Group Mentor Coaching Program!

If you are serious about launching/growing your coaching business but know you require some help/guidance, CLICK THE LINK BELOW then enter your name and email… it will then take you to the info page to learn more about my 5 Month GoProELITE Group Mentoring Program.


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