
Show#220- Digging for clients…The REAL work

with Jeffrey St Laurent

Topic: Digging for clients…The REAL work

A lot of marketers make it seem like getting clients is easy. Just post on social media, send out some emails and everyone will sign up and hire you.

While we know there is more to it than that, most don’t do much more so it is not surprising when coaches get frustrated with a lack of result.

The interesting part is that I have found they do not do more because most do not know what to do.

That is where I come in and want to help guide you with a starting direction so you can see the real work to get clients as I share a recent example of what I did that just turned into a paying client today.

If you are a coach wanting to get paid and want to learn how, check out the

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An incredible challenge to help define your message, get it out to the world, follow up and get clients with a step by step proven process that has created results for me since 2004!

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