
Show#285- Stop setting goals and do this

with Jeffrey St Laurent

Topic: Stop setting goals and do this…

So many coaches are setting goals. Goals like how many clients they want to get each month or how much money they want to earn in a given time frame… the month or year.

STOP! That is setting yourself up for failure for several reasons, especially because you cannot control if you create those results or not.

START… what I want you to begin doing is shifting your focus onto something that you can control.

On this Tuesday Live Show I share more upon why some goal setting is working against you and what specifically I do that can work for you!

BEFORE YOU GO… I have a great 5 Month Group Mentor Coaching Program!

If you are serious about launching/growing your coaching business but know you require some help/guidance, CLICK THE LINK BELOW then enter your name and email… it will then take you to the info page to learn more about my 5 Month GoProELITE Group Mentoring Program.


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