Topics Covered: 1) Learning the business of coaching 2) Knowing your numbers 3) The ins and outs of discounts and why we never discount 4) Refunds- what should never happen (13:17 mins) 5) Why & how then can happen 6) What to do and why specifically...
This call is taking you through the REAL & UNEDITED email thread of my interaction with someone leading up to them hiring me to be their mentor coach. I will be TEACHING YOU how to qualify....
Topics Covered: 1) The biggest mistake coaches typically make on their website 2) The right way to sell coaching on our website 3) The value of video and why it works 4) How to create videos for your site...
Topics Covered: 1) Where to begin 2) Your schedule becomes your boss 3) Developing your health plan 4) Developing your financial plan 5) Developing your marketing plan 6) Planning live events...
Topics Covered: 1) How we begin to believe in our own value as a coach 2) A specific strategy to make asking the client for the sale AND make buying easier for the customer 3) Understanding the needs of the potential client...
An unscripted and uncensored interview with two of my clients to help you understand what it takes to "take the leap" and quit your job!
Points Covered: 1) The foundational timeline: 18-24 months 2) Your main focus in that timeframe in terms of: - Building your audience - Services you offer - 1-1 coaching 3) Developing your statistics 4) Creating a financial plan...
Points Covered: 1) Do I need a niche or not? 2) What is most beneficial and why for an online versus offline (face to face) marketing model 3) How to define your niche from value based experience that gets you paid...
With special guest: Diana Gladney -- Points Covered: 1) Why your "WHY" is so important 2) Behind the scenes of the daily work to build a coaching business...
Questions Answered: 1) What does a coach do when they are in transition to honor their business hours? 2) How do I honor my time off away from the business? 3) How do I deal with trying to be...