There are two sides of transitioning to a full time business. First is the step by step structure of day to day actions we must understand and do on a consistent basis. Second is the emotional resilience...
The classic phrase we have all told ourselves before is: "I will do this once I do this." I will do my website once I get my photos done. I will get out there once I get certified. I will call that person up once I organize my contacts... This is getting ready to get ready....
When I work with my mentor coaching clients one the structural elements of marketing that we set up is a weekly event... As you could imagine, when most begin there is a tendency to want to script it all out, which is daunting and time sucking to do one...
I will never forget it, Sister Marie Troy, my fourth grade teacher. A nun who you didn't fool around with or get away with anything.
She said: Repetition is the secret to success. Also things like...
Do you ever get all fired up at the most ridiculous times and get inspired to do something great in an area of your life? Like sitting down watching a sports game and become inspired to get in...
I am thrilled to be interviewing my long term mentor coaching client Susan Kovacs as she works with professional athletes taking them to a whole new level of performance...
As a coach, what do we get paid for?
If you think it is when we coach our clients, that is incorrect!
Technically you are right but on this Tuesday Live Show I will be discussing a different perspective that will clarify the work we get paid for so you can get an idea...
Do you realize that one of the main reasons you are not getting paid is because you are not asking for business?While it doesn't mean that JUST asking will all of a sudden get you business, because there is an art to asking.., but it does mean that if you want more...
The law of compensation says that we get paid for the value we bring to the marketplace.So if we are going to get paid in our coaching business we must understand the value we bring to that market because when we do, we can offer something they will...
"You want the truth... you can't handle the truth!" You probably know that line from the movie "A Few Good Men" where Jack Nicholson reveals the ugly side of the military and the reality...